Nisha Kumar Kulkarni is a freelance writer and editor for hire, a writing coach, and chronic illness advocate.
Nisha Kumar Kulkarni is a freelance writer and editor for hire, a writing coach, and chronic illness advocate.
real talk & radical encouragement 2020
This e-book is a selection of 21 Letters I wrote for my weekly newsletter, Sunday Letters, from January 2019 thru December 2019.
These Letters are about self-trust, showing up, chasing your goals, forgiving yourself, feeling good, self-love, and more.
(PS…Want more? You can buy this e-book along with the 2019 edition for a special price.)
real talk & radical encouragement 2019
This e-book is a selection of 21 Letters and 14 Affirmations written over 54 weeks for my weekly newsletter from January 2018 thru January 2019.
I write about getting started, fear, desire, creativity, goals, limitations, mental health, mindfulness, trust, self-care, and self-love.
(PS…Want more? You can buy this e-book along with the 2020 edition for a special price.)